sábado, 6 de junio de 2020



Muchas gracias por compartir un tiempo con este humilde servidor!

Al contrario, Juan Pablo, muchas gracias a vos por tenernos en cuenta.

-Podrías darnos una pequeña reseña histórica de la banda y nombrar a los integrantes actuales.

Ancestral Echoes es un trio de Melodic/Progresive Death Metal formado en Febrero de 2019 en Córdoba Capital.
La formación inicial fue:
Chino Ordoñez: Bajo durante las primeros esbozos de la banda. Luego pasó a Cannibales.
Mauro Zacur en Bajo 4 y 5 cuerdas y coros
Nicolas Nenning en Bateria
Lucas Gasse en Guitarras 6 y 7 cuerdas, y voces. 
En Septiembre de 2019 Nicolas Nenning deja la banda, y se incorpora como sesionista el baterista de Terminal Velocity: Leonardo LordRay, quien termina de conformar la formación con la que se debuta en noviembre 2019, y se mantiene hasta la fecha.

-Porque el nombre "ANCESTRAL ECHOES"?

Habían pasado muchos años desde la ultima vez que estuve en una banda metalera, pase por otros géneros, pero por dentro me seguía retumbando ese deseo de volver a tocar. 
Me decidí a formar una banda y hacer lo que ese viejo reclamo interno me pedía.
A eso se sumó a un chiste que me hizo Ordoñez a cerca de mi edad, y eso terminó de cerrar el nombre.

-Contadme sobre los discos/demos y donde se puede conseguir?

Ancestral Echoes tenia planeado entrar a grabar en 2020, por lo que el material del que dispone para difusión en este momento, son las 9 maquetas de los temas de su próximo disco

-De que hablan las letras? Que temática usan y quien es el responsable de escribir y componer?

La temática es variada, pero tiende a gravitar, excepto algunas excepciones, en historias antiguas, o que no tienen tiempo.

Volviendo a mis raíces, es el tema que habla de como se inicia esta banda. 
Locomotive habla de que uno debe ser su propio motivador. 
Flight of the condor habla de la vida del condor y su noble soledad.
Burning the minds habla de la Santa Inquisición en Latinoamérica.
Verdun habla de la peor batalla de la 1ra guerra mundial.
Sumo: del sacrificio de un luchador.
When a dog drowns: de la muerte de la mascota de un amigo.
Stone on a Mountain: de los derrames de cianuro en San Juan.
Vida: de cuando casi muero de una neumonía atípica.

Yo escribí todas las partes: letra, voces, guitarras, bajo y batería de todos los temas; además de grabarlos y hacer la mezcla.

En este momento estamos trabajando el 1er tema compuesto por Mauro Zacur, y es el muy esperado punto de partida para una nueva etapa de la banda .

-Cuales son sus estilos e influencias? Escuchan bandas Under?

Todos escuchamos mucha música distinta, pero coincidimos en bandas como At the Gates, Death, etc...
Si, escuchamos bandas del underground y compartimos escenario con muchas de ellas.

-Como ven la escena metalera local? Y nacional?

Con las complicaciones de siempre.
Los sub-generos de metal mas extremos tienen pocos lugares donde pueden tocar, no tienen un numero de seguidores masivo, lo cual hace que la mayoría de los músicos tengan que poner plata de sus bolsillos para poder hacer la música que aman.
Y entiendo que es igual en todo el país...

-Si bien el Internet es una buena herramienta para difundir y llegar a lugares jamás pensados muchos la usan para descargar temas y no tener que comprar un disco. Que opinan ustedes sobre eso?

Es una realidad que difícilmente vaya a cambiar, y creo que hasta los mismo músicos vemos y escuchamos You tube y Spotify mucho mas frecuentemente que comprar discos. (también empujados por la realidad económica del músico promedio)
Si bien esas plataformas le dan un mínimo aporte monetario a quienes suben su material ahi, son pocas las bandas que llegan a los números necesario para que ese aporte monetario sea significativo...y si bien hay muchos youtubers que viven de eso, no se si hay muchas banda de metal que pueda hacerlo.

-Que opinan de que se vuelva a editar discos en vinilo?

Creo que debido a el sonido que tienen, hay un pequeño nicho que tiene a los discos de vinilo como objeto de culto.
Pero la realidad es que los equipos para reproducirlos son caros, pesados, frágiles, y difíciles de conseguir, comparados con escuchar música en el celular, 
Y si pensamos en la logística que requiere enviar un disco hasta su comprador, versus la escucha on line, los costos y las tendencias de quienes escuchan música hoy en dia, se hace difícil pensar que vayan a volver a ser editados, excepto gloriosas excepciones, casi diría que para coleccionistas..

-Que planes tienen para el futuro?

En el corto plazo, tenemos planeado entrar a estudio a grabar nuestro 1er album. Estamos retrasados con la situación de la pandemia.
Tambien estaba pensada la filmación de otro video, composición de material nuevo, y eventualmente varios shows que esperamos se puedan hacer cuando la situación lo permita.
Para  el mediano y largo plazo, tenemos pensado comenzar a realizar algunas giras, continuar componiendo, grabando y filmando... y permitiéndonos soñar con llegar algún día a los grandes escenarios internacionales.

-Desde ya muchas gracias por su tiempo y para ir terminando quisieran dejar un mensaje a los lectores

Muchas gracias a vos Juan Pablo, y gracias a todos los que se toman unos minutos para escuchar nuestra música, y asi apoyar a una banda local. 
Significa mucho para nosotros.
En nombre de Ancestral Echoes, les mando un MetalAbrazo
                                                                                                             Lucas Gasse - A-E

New Promo: Black Passage - “THE VEIL”
This band is currently seeking reviews, interviews, and press!
(For Media Only) - Download the promo below!
For fans of Gojira, Fallujah, Behold the Desecration
Based in the Bay Area , CA, Black Passage is a project comprised of a group of up and coming, yet seasoned musicians. Having all members associated with the metal , rock and punk scenes for 10+ years, the group seeks to combine and utilize this cumulative experience to create a distinct yet relatable sound. While the bands songs are primarily written by guitarist Kevin Wilson , each member contributes a unique yet mature facet of Black Passage s sound.With their first release featuring members of Fallujah , Wolf King , Behold the Desecration and Anisoptera , there is no shortage of talent, or musical diversity. It is through this diversity, experience and innovative thinking that has become a staple of the newly formed group and has gained the attention of many even before the release.
Check out the video below!
Each element of Black Passage is aimed at relating to fans through the darkest points of relation in life, a way to once again reclaim authenticity in the metal community.Citing influences from genres ranging from alternative rock to slamming brutal death metal , the group aims to be an intersection between all things dark, brooding, melodic and heavy. This fresh take on an exhausted market and genre aims to be a revitalized manifestation of metal by fusing the best aspects of the alternative rock , nu-metal , deathcore and even slam genres. An innovative approach on the cesspool that is today’s metal market that is sure to make waves through the incorporation of melody, groove , technical riffing and heavy vocals, Black Passage looks to breathe life into the underground .  
For Media only, please download the promo here at this link
 Send me reviews, interview requests or any other publications, and i will forward them to the band.
New Promo: Farewell To Fear - "I Wont Be Your Tragedy"
 (Metal Rock)
This band is currently seeking reviews, interviews, and press!
(For Media Only) - Download the promo below!
For fans of Metal / Rock!
Linkin Park, Tantric, Flaw, Bring Me the Horizon
Fresh Off the Boat! Literally! From the Chris Jericho Rock and Wrestling Rager at Sea Cruise, (January 2020) Farewell to Fear returned home and the world stopped. During this time, they assessed the state of the World and came to one conclusion. Question EVERYTHING! Their new single "I won't be your Tragedy"  is impacting radio on June 23, 2020.
Today Farewell to Fear is releasing the music video for “I won’t be your Tragedy”. The video encompasses all of the emotions everyone is feeling at this time; Uncertainty, Disbelief and Anger. 
Mike’s haunting vocals pair amazingly with the addition of Tommy Gibbon’s (ex Flaw,Tantric) shredding to make one powerful statement.
Already described as powerful and strong by music industry professionals, “I won’t be your Tragedy” sets the tone not for what is, but for what is to become. The video’s artistic vision brings the viewer right into the frame of mind that fits perfectly for this song.
Since May 1, Farewell to Fear’s single is gaining momentum with over 50,000 streams on Spotify.
“I won’t be your tragedy” has already garnered International radio play in the following countries: Russia, The UK, Argentina, Hungary and the US.
Call and request “I Won’t Be Your Tragedy” on your local rock station and stream it now on Spotify.
Farewell to Fear is confirmed to perform   Rebel Rock Fest   in Orlando (Sept 16-18) with Judas PriestMachine Gun KellySevendustTriviumLight the TorchSkilletAll the RemainsLimp BizkitSaul and many more.
Check out the brand new video below!
For more info on Farewell to Fear, follow us on social media

To listen to Farewell to Fear you can find them on:
Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Deezer, TikTok and other digital outlets.
Farewell To Fear was born out of the huge black hole that mainstream rock radio left during the absence of super rock stars like Pearl Jam , Alice in Chains and Soundgarden . Farewell To Fear revisits that era with big rock riffs, big choruses and big anthems for a new generation of mainstream rockers. With their first full-length album, New Blood, generating an incredible three singles on Sirius XM’s Octane channel, an unheard-of feat for an unknown band as well as landing them at #1 on Amazon ’s Hot New Rock Singles chart and #8 on iTunes Rock chart, their debut also earned them direct support from Howard Stern , including the rarest of moments on Stern’s show… airing an entire song as opposed to the normal 20 second snippet he usually shares. That track, “Diamonds” is recently eclipsed 1 million streams on Spotify .
From day one, Farewell To Fear were quick to establish opportunities performing at events that put them in front of a few hundred to over 25,000 people and have opened for a variety of bands including Sevendust , PopEvil and even landed them a coveted slot on Monster Energy ’s Welcome to Rockville, sharing the stage with bands including Alice in Chains , Three Days Grace , Papa Roach , Nonpoint and many more.
Inspired by the recording process of their most recent EP, Legacy, the band has been writing and recording relentlessly, ultimately allowing them to seamlessly merge their skills and styles together to create heavy rock songs that deliver a strong punch to the gut while staying melodic and delivering impactful lyrics hitting all ranges and octaves.
 Their latest album, Voices is NOW Available via Pavement Entertainment . Voices was produced by Damien Starkey (Burn Season & Puddle of Mudd) and has elevated the bands sound. "Tho listen to Voices is to take a deep dark emotional roller coaster ride leaving you wanting more.  "Voices draws from anthemic songs of the past while embracing the uncertain chaos around us.  Expect no stone unturned with the album!"
"Cool Vibe. Reminds me of Bring Me the Horizon. Pretty Strong" 
- Ken Anthony - All Access

"Strong" - Music Producer Peter Rafelson (Madonna )

Farewell to Fear has

2.3 Million streams on Spotify, 

2 million views on YouTube collectively, 

41,000 Spotify listeners 

16,000 Instagram Followers

50,000 Facebook likes. 

They are currently  unsigned . 

The last single, "Underneath My Skin" reached #29 on Billboard MRI and #11 on Foundations SMR Charts (971 Spins on peak week)
For Media only, please download the promo here at this link
 Send me reviews, interview requests or any other publications, and i will forward them to the band.
New Promo: Ba’alzamon - A Desolate Place LP 
(Melodic Death / Black Metal)
This band is currently seeking reviews, interviews, and press!
Download the promo below!
For fans of Setherial Moonspell Paradise Lost
Led by the thunderous vocals of Fitzpatrick and the dynamic compositions of Anderson and WIlliams, Ba’alzamon formed in 1998, and began playing live in and around the Little Rock metal scene in 1999, with a rotating lineup of additional musicians. Mired in a scene dominated by Southern Sludge , Ba’alzamon’ s unique blend of Black and Traditional Death Metal stood apart both in sound and performance.
Ba’alzamon ’s unbridled energy could not be sustained forever and in around 2001 the band split up, with members going on to other music and stage projects. However, the main core of Fitzpatrick, Williams and Anderson maintained a close friendship that, in 2017, served to bring them back together to record their first full-length album. This project would expand into the double length  A Desolate Place  (May 25, 2020).
A southern blend of Melodic Death and Black Metal beautifully packaged together in this journey of isolation, unbridled hatred, and rebirth. Twenty years in the making, haunting, and crushingly brutal, A Desolate Place is the crowning achievement in Ba’alzamon’s unique brand of Ozark Mountain Metal .
Curtis Fitzpatrick: Vocals, Samples
Marc Williams: Keyboards, Bass, Additional Guitar
Rob Anderson: Guitar, Drums, Additional Bass

Label: self-released
Genre: Death, Black Metal
Hometown: Conway, Arkansas
Influences: Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Behemoth
Links :
For Media only, please download the promo here at this link
 Send me reviews, interview requests or any other publications, and i will forward them to the band.
New Promo: Hellz - Bitch Ran Away (Music Video)
(Hard Rock)
This band is currently seeking reviews, interviews, and press!
Download the promo below!
For fans of Halestorm, In This Moment, The Pretty Reckless
The song was Co written and performed by Lisa Perry and Gorka Alegre in late 2019. Alegre is well known internationally as the former frontline bass player of Baron Rojo and Death Keeper . Alegre has also worked alongside Steve Adler Guns and Roses , Herman Rarebell of The Scorpions , Nick Z Marino and Mike Vescera of Yngwie Malmsteen and Manny Charlton of Nazareth .
This latest upcoming  release follows Alegre and Perry 's earlier release Fire to the sky , which charted at number #1 in the South Africa ITunes Rock Charts in early 2020. I am so very honored to be in the running for an award in the SUMMER 2020 WORLD SONGWRITING AWARDS -  ROCK CATEGORY FOR 
'BITCH RAN AWAY' is already in the running to take out a prize in the summer 2020  World Songwriting Awards. The awards are widely recognized by industry insiders giving legitimacy to highly talented songwriters and artists.

Bitch ran away boasts special guest Spanish Guitarist Tolo Grimalt on guitar. It's such a pleasure to work alongside artists that have seen so much success in the music industry. Tolo Grimalt has toured alongside some of the world's most successful artists supporting Alice Cooper , Anastacia Michael Schenker with Temple of Rock (ex Scorpions members). You will hear and see Tolo Grimalt absolutely shredding it on Hellz next release Bitch ran away.
For Media only, please download the promo here at this link
 Send me reviews, interview requests or any other publications, and i will forward them to the band.